Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The boys had a shortened day at school today, so we took them to Mulligan's. They ran around and played video games and tried to win as many tickets as they could to get a prize from the prize counter. We then, went outside and played minature golf. Walking up to the couse Erin had said "Let's see how this goes". Well it was going great Slater even hit a hole in one. And then, Caden decided to hit the ball as hard as he could. It ricocheted off of a rock and flew back and hit the little house on the course then bounced into the water. Thankfully, noone was around to get hit in the head. From there we went to play Lasertag. Slater put on the vest and played as well. Timeri thought the vest was too heavy to wear. Erin took the boys on the go-carts. That was a lot of fun for them. Then we went into the kiddie area some Timeri and Slater could ride some rides. That is when the funniest thing happened. Davin went on the teacups with Slater and Timeri. Davin spun the cup as fast as he could. Everytime they passed by Timeri's eyes were looking VERY dizzy. She started to cry a little bit, then she slouched. The attendant was stopping the ride... and then bam ! She fell forward and hit her head on the center spinning wheel. She was so dizzy. She was ok. It was really funny. Then she got back on and went on her own teacup. The kids had a great time as usual.