As a Mother's Day treat, my best friend Jillian took me on a surprise drive to Temecula Unique Ultrasound, to find out the gender of the baby. We piled all the kids in the car and we took all of them into the appointment with us. The kids all sat quietly in the room. The nurse technician dimmed the lights and the ultra sound started. They all waited anxiously with wide eyes not sure what they were looking at. The nurse took her time to explain all the body parts. And then she announced... "IT'S A BOY". Everyone was very excited !!!. To celebrate we went to White Lime to make ice cream sundaes. Then we went to Janie and Jack's boutique to pick out a special layette outfit for him to wear when he comes home from the hospital. All in all it was a very special Mother's Day. I am so blessed. I have a wonderful husband who is fighting the fires in Santa Barbara and still finds time to lavish me with a gigantic bouquet of spring flowers (I swear its three feet tall) and a gorgeous fleur de lis diamond pendant. And to top all that, God has blessed us with a 5th healthy child, our fourth boy and we couldn't be more excited.